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Image Retrieval in Digital Libraries - A Multicollection Experimentation of Machine Learning techniques


This work uses an ETL (extract-transform-load) approach and deep learning technics to implement image retrieval functionalities in digital librairies.

Specs are:

  1. Identify and extract iconography wherever it may be found, in the still images collection but also in printed materials (newspapers, magazines, books).
  2. Transform, harmonize and enrich the image descriptive metadata (in particular with deep learning classification tools: IBM Watson for visual recognition, Google TensorFlow Inception-V3 for image types classification).
  3. Load all the medatada into a web app dedicated to image retrieval.

A proof of concept, GallicaPix has been implemented on the World War 1 theme. All the contents have been harvested from the BnF (Bibliotheque national de France) digital collections Gallica of heritage materials (photos, drawings, engravings, maps, posters, etc.). This PoC is referenced on Gallica Studio, the Gallica online participative platform dedicated to the creative uses that can be made from Gallica.

GallicaPix Looking for Georges Clemenceau iconography in GallicaPix



Articles, blogs


The datasets are available as metadata files (one XML file/document) or JsonML dumps of the BaseX database. Images can be extracted from the metadata files thanks to IIIF Image API:

One can leverage the complete dataset to produce other ground truths.

Installation & misc.

Note: All the scripts have been written by an amateur developer. They have been designed for the Gallica digital documents and repositories but could be adapted to other contexts.

Some Perl or Python packages may need to be installed first. Sample documents are generally stored in a “DOCS” folder and output samples in a “OUT” folder.

A. Extract

The global workflow is detailled bellow.

Workflow: extract

The extract step can be performed from the catalog metada (using OAI-PMH and SRU protocols) or directly from the digital documents files (and their OCR).


The OAI-PMH Gallica repository (endpoint) can be used to extract still image documents (drawings, photos, posters…) The script harvests sets of documents or documents. Note: this script needs a Web connection (for Gallica OAI-PMH and Gallica APIs).

Europeana Data Model OAI is also supported (see

Perl script can handled 3 methods:

Usage: perl oai_name oai_set out_folder format



perl gallica gallica:corpus:1418 OUT xml

This script also performs (using the available metadata):

It outputs one XML metadata file per document, describing the document (title, date…), each page of the document and the included illustrations. Some illustrations are “filtered” due to their nature (empty page, bindings).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<titre>Nos alliés du ciel : cantique-offertoire : solo &amp; choeur à l_unisson avec accompagnement d'orgue / paroles du chanoine S. Coubé   musique de F. Laurent-Rolandez</titre>
	<descr>Chants sacrés acc. d_orgue -- 20e siècle -- Partitions et parties</descr>
<contenus  ocr="false" toc="false">
		<page  ordre="1"><blocIllustration>1</blocIllustration>
				<ill  h="4110" taille="6" couleur="gris" y="1" w="3204" n="1-1" x="1"><genre  CS="1">photo</genre>
				<genre  CS="0.95">partition</genre>
				<theme  CS="0.8">01</theme>
				<titraille>Nos alliés du ciel : cantique-offertoire : solo &amp; choeur à l_unisson avec accompagnement d'orgue / paroles du chanoine S. Coubé   musique de F. Laurent-Rolandez</titraille>

SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL)

SRU requesting of Gallica digital library can be done with the script. The SRU request can be tested within and then copy/paste directly in the script:


It outputs a text file (one ark ID per line). This output can then be used as the input of the OAI-PMH script.


perl OUT.txt


Printed collections (with OCR) can be analysed using script. This script is the more BnF centered and it will be tricky to adapt to other context… It can handle various types of digital documents (books, newspapers) produced by the BnF or during the Europeana Newspapers project.

Regarding the newspapers type, the script can handle raw ALTO OCR mode or OLR mode (articles recognition described with a METS/ALTO format):

The script can handle various dialects of ALTO (ALTO BnF, ALTO LoC…) which may have different ways to markup the illustrations and to express the blocks IDs.

Some parameters must be set in the Perl script, the remaining via the command line options (see readme.txt).


perl [-LI] mode title IN OUT format


Example for the Europeana Newspapers subdataset L’Humanité, with ark IDs computation and illustrations extraction:

perl -LI ocren Humanite OCR-EN-BnF OUT-OCR-EN-BnF xml

Note: some monoline OCR documents may need to be reformatted before running the extraction script, as it does not parse the XML content (for efficiency reasons) but use grep patterns at the line level. Usage:

perl IN

The script exports the same image metadata than before but also texts and captions surrounding illustrations:

<ill  w="4774" n="4-5" couleur="gris" filtre="1" y="3357" taille="0" x="114" derniere="true" h="157"><leg> </leg>
<txt>Fans— Imprimerie des Arts et Manufactures» S.rue du Sentier. (M. Baunagaud, imp.) </txt>

Some illustrations are filtered according to their form factor (size, localization on the page). In such cases, the illustrations are exported but they are reported with a filtered attribute (“filtre”) set to true.

After this extraction step, the metadata can be enriched (see next section, B.) or directly be used as the input of BaseX XML databases (see. section C.).

For newspapers and magazines collections, another kind of content should be identified (and eventually filtered), the illustrated ads (reported with a “pub” attribute set to true).

B. Transform & Enrich

The Perl script performs basic operations on the illustrations metadata files and the enrichment processing itself. This script supports the enrichment workflow as detailled bellow.

Workflow: extract

All the treatments described in the following sections enrich the metadata illustrations and set some attributes on these new metadata:

(See the XML schema for a detailled presentation of the data model.)

<ill classif="CCibm CCgoogle" ... >
            <contenuImg CS="0.8137588" source="google">black and white</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.8162437" source="google">weapon</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.85856307" source="google">churchill tank</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.9450831" source="google">vehicle</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.94837654" h="2560" l="3534" source="google" x="466.6" y="352.8">combat vehicle</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.9654834" h="2560" l="3534" source="google" x="466.6" y="352.8">motor vehicle</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.98043555" h="2560" l="3534" source="google" x="466.6" y="352.8">tank</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="1.0" source="ibm">gray color</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.53" source="ibm">tracked vehicle</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.812" source="ibm">vehicle</contenuImg>
            <contenuImg CS="0.592" source="ibm">amphibious vehicle</contenuImg>
	    <genre CS="0.88" source="TensorFlow">photo</genre>

Image genres classification

Inception-v3 model (Google’s convolutional neural network, CNN) has been retrained on a multiclass ground truth datasets (photos, drawings, maps, music scores, comics… 12k images). Three Python scripts (within the Tensorflow framework) are used to train (and evaluate) a model:




To classify a set of images, the following steps must be chained:

  1. Extract the image files from a documents metadata folder thanks to the IIIF protocol:

    perl -extr IN_md

Mind to set a reduction factor in the “facteurIIIF” parameter (eg: $factIIIF=50) as the CNN resizes all images to a 299x299 matrix.

  1. Move the OUT_img folder to a place where it will be found by the next script.

  2. Classify the images with the CNN trained model:

    python3 > data.csv

This will output a line per classified image:

bd	carte	dessin	filtrecouv	filtretxt	gravure	photo	foundClass	realClass	success	imgTest
0.01	0.00	0.96	0.00	0.00	0.03	0.00	dessin	OUT_img	0	./imInput/OUT_img/btv1b10100491m-1-1.jpg
0.09	0.10	0.34	0.03	0.01	0.40	0.03	gravure	OUT_img	0	./imInput/OUT_img/btv1b10100495d-1-1.jpg

Each line describes the best classified class (according to its probability) and also the probability for all the other classes.

  1. The classification data must then be reinjected in the metadata files:
    • Copy the data.csv file at the same level than the script (or set a path in the $dataFile var)
    • Set some parameters in
      • $TFthreshold: minimal confidence score for a classification to be used
      • $lookForAds: for newspapers, say if the ads class must be used

perl -importTF IN_md

perl -importTF IN_md -p # for newspapers

After running the script, a new genre metadata is created:

<genre CS="0.52" source="TensorFlow">gravure</genre>

Example: caricatures of George Clemenceau can be found using the Genre facet.

The filtering classes (text, blank pages, cover…) are handled later (see section “Wrapping up the metadata”).

Wrapping up the metadata

The illustrations may have been processed by multiple enrichment technics and/or described by catalogs metadata. For some metadata like topic and image genre, a “final” metadata is computed from these different sources and is described as the “final” data to be queried by the web app.

For image genre, first, a parameter must be set:


perl -unify IN

The same approach can be used on the topic metadata (unifyTheme option).

All the sources are preserved but a new “final” metadata is generated, via a rules-based system. In the following example, the Inception CNN found a photo but this result has been superseded by a human correction. E.g. for image genres:

<genre source="final">drawing</genre>
<genre CS="0.88" source="TensorFlow">photo</genre>
<genre CS="0.95" source="hm">drawing</genre>

The noise classes for genres classification are also handled during the unify processing. If an illustration is noise, the filtre attribute is set to true.

Image recognition

Various APIs can be tested and their results be requested within the web app thanks to the CBIR criteria (see screen capture below).

IBM Watson

We’ve used IBM Watson Visual Recognition API. The script calls the API to perform visual recognition of content or human faces.

Some parameters should be set before running the script:

Usage for content recognition:

perl -CC IN -ibm

Usage for face detection:

perl -DF IN -ibm

Note: the image content is sent to Watson as an IIIF URL.

The face detection Watson API also outputs cropping and genre detection:

<contenuImg CS="0.96" h="2055" l="1232" sexe="M" source="ibm" x="1900" y="1785">face</contenuImg>

Example: looking for “poilus” faces.

Google Cloud Vision

The very same visual content indexing can be performed with the Google Cloud Vision API. Just mind to set your key in $apiKeyGoogle.

Usage for content recognition:

perl -CC IN -google

Note: The Google face detection API outputs cropping but doesn’t support genre detection.


The Google Vision OCR can be applied to illustrations for which no textual metadata are available.

perl -OCR -IN_md

OpenCV/dnn module

The dnn module can be used to try some pretrained neural network models imported from frameworks as Caffe or Tensorflow.

The script performs face detection based on a ResNet network (see this post for details).

  1. Extract the images files:

    perl -extr IN_md

  2. Process the images:

    python –prototxt deploy.prototxt.txt –model res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel –dir IN_img

Note: the minimum confidence probability for a classification to be exported can be set via the command line.

It outputs a CSV file per input image, what can be merged in one file:

cat OUT_csv/*.csv > ./data.csv

  1. Finally import the classification in the metadata files. Mind to set the $classifCBIR var to “dnn” before:

    perl -importDF IN_md

An script performs in a similar way to make content classification, thanks to a GoogLeNet network (see this post for details). It can handle a dozen of classes (person, boat, aeroplane…):

python –prototxt MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt.txt –model MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel –dir IN_img

C. Load

An XML database ( is the back-end. Querying the metadata is done with XQuery (setting up the HTTP BaseX server is detailled here). All the XQuery files and the other support files (.css, .jpg) must be stored in a $RESTPATH folder.

Note: the web app is minimalist and BaseX is not an effective choice for searching in large databases.

The web app uses IIIF Image API and Mansory grid layout JavaScript library for image display. The web app is builded around 2 files, a HTML form and a results list page. The business logic is implemented with JavaScript and XQuery FLOWR.

The form (findIllustrations-form.xq) exposes 2 databases to users: general illustrations and illustrated ads. It can be switch in DEBUG mode to access more databases and to add filtering features, which can be helpful when a complete database is implemented (mixing illustrations and illustrated ads).


The results list (findIllustrations-app.xq) has a DEBUG mode which implements a filtering functionality (for ads and filtered illustrations) and some more minor tools (display, edit).

The results list page call some XQuery scripts which perform updates on the database (thanks to the XQuery Update Facility). These functionalities may be usefull for crowdsourcing experimentations.


Looking for boats